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How to minimize the risk of a bottle explosion
0 12973

How to minimize the risk of a bottle explosion

Making beer at home is becoming more popular every year. More and more people can proudly call themselves home brewers, and they are taking the slightly more difficult, but more rewarding route than buying beer at the store. However, there are some aspects of brewing that can discourage you from brewing your first brew. One...
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How long can bottled beer be stored? Refermentation as a natural conservation
5 23269

How long can bottled beer be stored? Refermentation as a natural conservation

How long can a finished beer stand in a closed bottle? This is one of the most frequently asked questions - both by those who are about to face their first batch, and by those whose hands have already passed more than one kilogram of malt. The answer is simple - VERY LONG, which literally means up to several years....
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