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Do you want to start brewing beer at home but don't know anything about it? Check out our blog. We share our knowledge with those who take their first brewing steps, as well as with those who already brew. Home brewing is not difficult!

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Beer infection. How to recognize and prevent?
2 10898

Beer infection. How to recognize and prevent?

Infected, spoiled, sour beer is every brewer's nightmare. Pouring out bad beer is one of the most unpleasant experiences in the brewing hobby. Fortunately, while maintaining the rules of cleanliness and disinfection in a home brewery, beer infection does not happen often. To protect yourself from an enemy, you need to know...
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Shelf life of homemade beer.
0 2620

Shelf life of homemade beer.

When preparing to brew a home-made beer for the first time, a beginner brewer often asks himself - how long can I store my finished beer?Many people assume that the shelf life of home-made, unpasteurized beer will be very short. Therefore, it is surprising to find out that we can store homemade beer for up to several year Of...
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Gravity not droping, how long to ferment beer?
0 8053

Gravity not droping, how long to ferment beer?

One of the most common questions for beginner brewers is when it comes to ending fermentation. When do we conclude that the beer has finished fermentation and has it been fermented properly? The end of the first fermentation is the stage in which the sugar level, measured with a hydrometer, stops falling. The average period...
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Perfect fermentation. GF30 Conical Fermenter
0 4259

Perfect fermentation. GF30 Conical Fermenter

Among the brewers there is a saying that "the brewer prepares the wort and the beer makes the yeast" Which means clearly that the most important stage of beer production is fermentation. There is a lot of truth in this, because the taste properties of many styles of beer are created thanks to the appropriate strains of yeast...
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British Ales - an underrated classic.
0 3009

British Ales - an underrated classic.

The beer revolution, which has changed the face not only of the Polish beer market in recent years, has many undeniable advantages. Raising the level of brewing, introducing new styles and flavors of beer, innovation in the field of beer production technology, a significant expansion of the beer range on store shelves....
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Brewing calculator - how to create your own recipes
0 9731

Brewing calculator - how to create your own recipes

You have probably wondered more than once whether creating your own beer recipes is difficult? Or maybe you live in the belief that the recipe you have prepared will not be tasty and that you will only waste time brewing it. Nothing could be more wrong, in this article you will learn how simple and fun it can be to create...
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